Outside Temperature
Barometric Pressure
Wind Direction
Outside Humidity
Wind Speed
Gust Speed
First light / Sunrise 06:47 / 07:23
Sunset / Last light 17:05 / 17:41
Altitude: 80 meters
Station uptime: 0 days, 4 hours, 0 minutes
Server uptime: 0 days, 4 hours, 52 minutes

How it's done

This website summarises weather data logged by a Davis Vantage Pro weather station which is downloaded to a Raspberry Pi credit card sized computer. This is an awesome and very cheap piece of hardware and no household should be without one!

Communication between the Pi and the weather station is handled by the very polished and highly customisable Weewx software (version 4.1.1). Weewx downloads a data record from the weatherstation every 5 minutes and stores it in a database on the Pi. It also creates all the graphs and webpages which are uploaded to the website every 5 minutes, and also to Weather Underground.

This website uses a custom skin which uses Bootstrap to deal with most of the layout and presentation. The gauges and the history tables are generated by Python scripts which hook into Weewx.

The code for gauge rendering (gaugeengine.py) and history table generation (historygenerator.py) can be found on github: github.com/brewster76/fuzzy-archer

Download this theme v3.0

You can install this using the Weewx extension installer. Download the extension somewhere onto your system: v3.0.tar.gz

If you have installed weewx yourself:
cd /home/weewx [or where your base install is]
bin/wee_extension --install=[wherever you've put the .tar.gz archive]
If you have used the Debian installer:
sudo wee_extension --install=[wherever you've put the .tar.gz archive]
  • You can specifiy a different language in the [Language] section in skins/Bootstrap/skin.conf and skins/Images/skin.conf.

  • Web content is stored in public_html/Bootstrap.
  • Set the page title and footer through the [BootstrapLabels] section in skins/Bootstrap/skin.conf.

Other sites

Check out these sites which use the customizations:

Spain, Algarra www.algarra.org/meteo
Spain, Alicante www.ecosprog.com/weather

We'd love to hear from you if you are finding the skin useful! Drop us an email and we'll add you to the list.

Help and Support

You can join the discussion at GitHub discussion Forum.

For bug fixes or feature requests, check out the GitHub Issues area.

You can also contact me directly at general@dajda.net